A Kid's Favorite

Photo by: Paul Schiller

# 27 - A Kid's Favorite

Artist Craig Snyder
Hometown Plymouth, MN
Size 7’H x 4’W x 2’D
Material Steel
Price $4,000

I don’t know about your kids, but my kids love macaroni and cheese. To me, it seems as if they can eat an infinite amount of that cheesy goodness. I think it may take a while for them to eat their way through this one.

Craig Snyder

I’m a Web Developer by profession working with pixels and programs in a digital craig_snyder.jpgworld on a daily basis. Making sculptures is my spiritual lifeline and allows me to work on something solid and real, something I can stand next to and walk around. I love the interactive environments our society has constructed, but creating with steel, copper and brass keeps me grounded and real.

“It’s hot, hypnotic and appeals to my inner pyromaniac.”

I prefer to work in the abstract. I like creating a piece and asking, “What do you see? What does it mean to you?” I’ve learned that perspective is infinitely varied and intensely personal. Despite many of our common references – colors, shapes, time – we each experience life with our own unique viewpoint.

To see and purchase other works of art by this sculptor visit: fireshapes.com.